Take charge of your energy useSmartHub is your one-stop-shop for paying your electric bill, analyzing your energy use, and tracking changes that may affect your electricity consumption. With SmartHub, you can:
Monitor your energy use
Analyze trends to see how you can save money on your energy bills, view average use for a particular time period, learn how much energy it’s taking to run your appliances, and more.
Pay bills
Pay your energy bill on the go. Plus, SmartHub allows you to set up advance or recurring, automatic payments, giving you one fewer thing to think about each month.
Report outages
Report power outages quickly and easily from SmartHub, so we can get you back up and running that much faster.
Manage notifications
Receive a message when you have an upcoming bill or when you’ve used a certain amount of energy: Our system lets you choose how and when you hear from us.
Get started with SmartHub. Enroll now!