Restoring Your Power
Safely restoring your power in the shortest time possible.Power outages that occur due to a hurricane or winter storm can be widespread.
In the event of a power outage, BEMC strives to get power back to your home or business as soon as possible.
We follow the same procedures each time so that power is restored safely to the maximum number of members as quickly as possible. Once the storm has passed, our line crews are dispatched as soon as they can work safely, and we have teams working around the clock until power is restored to every co-op member.
Click the image below to learn more about how we restore power after an outage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you decide whose power to restore first?
The outage restoration process begins at the point where electricity feeds into BEMC’s system. This could be at a substation, transmission line or a main distribution line. After these repairs have been made, crews work on remaining outages, beginning with areas serving the greatest number of members and continuing until electricity is restored to all members.
Why are BEMC trucks passing my house without restoring power at my house or in my neighborhood?
If you see a BEMC crew passing by without stopping, it may be because work must first be performed at a nearby location before electric service can be restored to you and your neighbors. Following the outage restoration process ensures all customers have their power restored as quickly and safely as possible.
Why does my neighbor have power and I do not?
It depends upon the cause of the outage. Remember to make sure your power is not out because of an electrical problem inside your home, such as a tripped breaker. If an electrical problem within your home is not the cause and your neighbor has electricity and you do not, more than likely, they receive their power from a different circuit than the circuit your home is on.
You may also be part of an individual outage. Even if you previously reported your outage, report to BEMC that your power has not been restored by calling 800-682-5309, via SmartHub or at