Underground Service Request
Underground lines, improved reliabilityUnderground Service Request
Underground lines can reduce power outages and momentary service interruptions, and can quicken restoration time after a major event. If you’d like BEMC to consider your request for underground service, it’s as simple as this:
First, make sure you have completed these steps:
- Builder applies for a 911 address through the City or County.
- The builder’s electrician installs a temporary service pole or meter base. Temporary power pole must be located within 5’ of existing power source (Transformer/Junction Box).
- The builder or electrician applies for electrical inspection* through the City or County.
*Note: When service is requested but not ready, there will be an $80, not ready fee applied to the account.
Additional Underground Service Guidelines
- Applications for service over 800 amps will require approval from our engineering department upon request.
- Any 3-phase request must have a by-pass switch.
You may enter up to five new service addresses at a time through this form.