Report a Power Outage
When an outage does occur, we focus on restoring service interruptions as quickly and efficiently as possible.Report a power outage by calling or texting 800-682-5309 or through our online outage form.
When you call BEMC’s automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, it immediately reports your outage to our Outage Maintenance System (OMS). We realize most people prefer to speak to a live person, but our IVR can handle more calls and report outages more efficiently and promptly to our OMS.
For more information on outage texting, click here.
How your call is processed
Phone number
The location of your outage can be identified immediately by the phone number we have associated with your physical address. If you are not calling from the outage location, phone, when prompted, enter the phone number of the location where your outage is occurring. This can be a landline number or cell phone number.
Service Location Address
Using the house number of your physical address, the OMS will repeat your street that it associates with your house number. If there are multiple streets with your house number listed, listen carefully, and select your street address.
Once your location has been verified, our IVR will tell you, “Your outage has been reported.” Our Control Center Technicians will then begin BEMC’s electrical outage restoration process.
Please keep BEMC advised of the correct phone number contact for your service location’s physical address
Do this whenever there is a change! You can update your information 24/7 using the SmartHub App, or during business hours, Monday–Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, by calling 800-842-5871.
See our power outage map here.
Sign up for COAST alerts now by filling out the registration form.
The next time you experience a power outage, text 800-682-5309 using the following prompts (keywords):
Report an outage at the service address associated with mobile number
Request the status of an outage (may not be available during widespread outages)
Cancels participation in COAST alerts
Request information about COAST alerts and a number to call for additional support
For members with multiple accounts, click the link above to register each account with a nickname.